University Life

Gap Year: The Benefits and Drawbacks

More and more students decide to take a year away from studying between high school and university. The possibilities are endless–travel, alternative education, work experience, community service, you name it! In fact, a gap year may open your eyes to new academic interests. We have created a list of pros and cons for you to consider.

PRO–Most universities will allow a gap year and reserve your place.

Gap years have become so commonplace that most universities will allow you to do so and reserve your admission for the next year.

CON–You can’t apply to other universities during your gap year.

Because your university will guarantee you a seat for next year, all they ask in return is that you offer them the same commitment by not applying to other universities. If you desire to apply to other universities, then you should inform your original university before their application deadline that you are withdrawing your admission. That way, the university will have time to offer your seat to another student.

PRO–You can focus on learning how to be independent while away from home

Transitioning to university can be stressful from both academic and social perspectives; struggles in one aspect of your life could lead to struggles in the other. If you decide to take a gap year away from home, you can learn essential social skills and self-responsibility BEFORE you attend university, such as meeting new people, cleaning up your own room, living with roommates, and so forth. Additionally, you will learn the extremely important skill of making your own decisions, something that will be essential not just at university but in life.

CON–You risk losing academic momentum

If you plan a meaningful and fun gap year that doesn’t directly focus on academics, you might accidentally forget what it means to be a student and study hard. The end of your dreamlike gap year might make you even more upset about university if you feel forced to return to the classroom for study and learning. To counter this potential con, make sure that you consistently exercise your mind during your gap year by reading, playing mental games, sudoku, etc.

PRO–Better understand yourself and your aspirations

Life changes incredibly fast–one day you desire to be a politician, the next day an astronaut, and today a lawyer. If you plan a gap year to explore a potential career, you will have a valuable understanding of whether this path would be right for you. If not, you still have the opportunity to discover a different career while in university.

CON–You risk losing (or even wasting) valuable time

If you are 100% certain of your future career path and don’t want to delay any further, then a gap year may not be right for you. After all, if you’re really excited and determined about your future, why delay it?

PRO–You have the opportunity to pursue interests both old and new

Is there something that you had always wanted to try during high school but never had the time? Photography? Piano? Hiking? Traveling? A gap year is the perfect opportunity to pursue that passion before life gets busy again during university years.

CON–Beware of loneliness

If you decide to take a gap year away from home (and potentially immersed in a new culture), beware of loneliness. Even if you stay near home, you must also realize that your friends have all gone off to university ahead of you. Either way, be aware of your feelings and have a plan ready for when you feel lonely by contacting friends, family, or by working hard to make new friends! For more information about combating loneliness, click HERE.

PRO–Boost your CV

You can use your gap year to learn a new language, enhance a new skill, or start a new business. The gap year is a perfect opportunity to take risks without any overwhelming negative repercussions.

CON–If you don’t plan well, your gap year might be a bust

If you decide to take a gap year and “see how it goes,” it might not end up going anywhere. The best gap years are planned well in advance, before you even know which universities will admit you. If a certain gap year program excites you, make sure that you apply or inquire well before its internal deadline.


Like everything in life, any given option provides both benefits and risks that you must weigh according to your own unique circumstances. Taking a gap year is an incredible experience, but only when you can afford the time/money AND you have a well-thought out plan that will offer you a life changing experience.

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