Our Programs
From 7th to 12th grade, ThinkSTEP guides students from childhood to a responsible and successful adulthood
Admissions Strategy
Stand out in a crowd full of equally excellent GPAs and SAT scores.
Unique accomplishments are the key to admissions success
Using ThinkSTEP's Triangle of Talent (TM), set yourself apart from your competitors in merely 4 STEPs
Self Discovery
- Take our certified MBTI and other personality assessments to discover your future goals
Resumé Project Planning
- Learn project management skills to accomplish a unique achievement
University List Creation
- ThinkSTEP understands what universities seek and how to make you an attractive applicant
Amazing Applications
- ThinkSTEP's comprehensive resumé and essay support will maximize your admissions chances

AP/IB Courses
Prove your English fluency and demonstrate your critical thinking skills by preparing for writing-intensive AP and IB exams
Achieve top test scores in English, History, and Social Sciences
Success in these courses will differentiate you from other international applicants
Prove your university-level skills
- High scores on these exams are eligible for university credit
Improve Admissions Chances
- AP and IB scores are more credible and persuasive than GPA

Middle School Mentorship
University-level study skills take years to develop. Begin the ThinkSTEP journey as early as the 7th grade.
Quickly Develop Critical Thinking and Communication Skills
Our students become more confident learners inside and outside the classroom
Learn the ThinkSTEP Study Method
- RAC: Read, Analyze, and Communicate
Improve Homework and Exam Performance
- Develop your focus and efficiency
Communicate with Confidence
- Know what to say and how to express it without hesitation