Case Studies
Case Study: Brown University
- Name: Peter, Taichung
- Academics: 4.0 GPA, 1580 SAT, APs in Chemistry (5), Biology (5), Physics C Mechanics (5), World History (5), and English Literature (5)
- Triangle of Talent Focus: Commonalities between Medicine and Computer Science

When we heard this student loved taking apart laptops and putting them back together again, ThinkSTEP immediately began wondering how to connect this passion with his goal of entering a Pre-Med program. Considering the number of lonely seniors in the world, ThinkSTEP suggested that he volunteer with a nurse to visit older residents’ homes and help them with medical and computer questions. After the nurse completed the check-up, our student learned more about medicine and then taught seniors how to use Skype, FaceTime, and other digital tools that can help them get closer to their family. In the meantime, he also wrote an essay which explained his developing passion for gerontology (the study of elderly living). Since Brown does not require any courses and allows each student to customize a major, our student applied early and was admitted to Brown for his unique combination of academic interests.
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